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Ultra Decking offers support to charity tackling forgotten challenges after the pandemic, and are calling on others to do the same

Over the course of the pandemic, we’ve all found ourselves having to adapt to new challenges, facing tough periods of lockdown. But for many with complex health needs, feeling trapped in their homes has been an issue long before the pandemic began.

That’s why the team at Ultra Decking, the fastest-growing composite decking brand in the UK, wanted to play their part in helping those families by starting work with WellChild’s Helping Hands project in 2019.

“We came across the project after a personal connection with a family friend who was struggling, and we wanted to give back to the wider community. We believe everyone has a duty to try and help out wherever they can, and give back to those who have not been as fortunate as us” Said Luke Jeffrey, Sales Manager at Ultra Decking.

The charity provides garden transformations that help children with complex health needs, and their families, by providing spaces that are accessible and can help provide a better quality of life. Ultra Decking has been able to support the charity by providing long-lasting, durable composite decking, covering the materials and shipping costs for each project.

Ultra Decking are hoping to encourage others in trades such as landscaping or building to join with them in offering support to the scheme. To find out more about the projects run by WellChild, or access their support, visit